Quick-Start guide
AnyBody™️ system consist of two main component.
- The AnyBody Modeling System (AMS): The software system for buiding and analysing models.
- AnyBody Managed Model Repository (AMMR): A collection of body models and examples.
When you download AnyBody you get both components, and a number of help resources to get you started. Select the menu Help -> Documentaion Home
to find out more.
Important online resources
Additionally, there are a few important resources which are also available online.
Other resources:
PhD courses:
Every year in Europe there are a few PhD courses on musculoskeletal modeling which use the AnyBody modeling System as part of the course. These courses are free for academics and very usefull to learn the concepts The courses are usually hosted by Aalborg University in Denmark and OTH Regensburg in Germany.
Introductory video series
If you have never done musculoskeletal modeling with the AnyBody Modeling System (AMS) check out the series of short introductory videos below.
This video series was created with an older version of AnyBody. It looks a little different but the theory and concepts explained still apply.

How to get the AMMR?
There are different ways to get the AnyBody Managed Model Repository (AMMR).
From the AnyBody Modeling System (Recommended)
The AMMR comes bundled with the AnyBody Modeling System. This the recommended way to install the AMMR, to ensure compatibility between AMMR and the AnyBody Modeling System.
See also: The detailed guide on how install the AMMR from AnyBody Modeling system.
From Zenodo.org
All versions of the AnyBody Managed Model Repository are archived with a DOI. This is useful for citing the AMMR, and the DOI’s are issued by zenodo.org, which is an European Open Science platform hosted at CERN.
You can download all archived versions of the AMMR from the AnyBody community on Zenodo.
Development version of the AMMR
Development takes place in a closed source-controlled repository to protect academic contributors who also often need to publish their models before release. Access to the closed repository is usually given on request.