Getting Started#

The AnyBody Managed Model Repository (AMMR) is a comprehensive open library of musculoskeletal models and examples designed to use with the AnyBody Modeling System. It allows users to configure and combine different body models, which can be easily integrated into their own simulations and analyses.

The AnyBody Managed Model Repository (AMMR) is included with the AnyBody Modeling System, but it needs to be manually installed or unpacked after installing AnyBody. You can install the AMMR from the AnyBody Assistant dialog that appears when AnyBody starts. For more information on how to install the AMMR, see the next lesson Installing Latest AMMR Files.

Opening an AMMR Model#

To begin editing AMMR models, first navigate to the ‘AMMR’ folder in your file explorer and open the ‘Application’ folder. Here, you will find all the available models and examples. Navigate to the model you want to work on and copy its containing folder and paste it into your working directory. The first line in the main file of the model includes the ‘libdef.any’ file from the AMMR folder. To correctly reference this file, add the following line at the beginning of the main file.

#include "<ANYBODY_PATH_INSTALLDIR>/AMMR/libdef.any"

Understanding the AnyScript Models#

Most examples you will encounter when using the AnyBody Managed Model Repository use the Human Model. Regardless of complexity, all models share a common structure used to set them up.

The models will typically look like this:

#include "path_to_AMMR/libdef.any"

Main =
  // Configure and include the Human Model
  #define BM_ARM_LEFT OFF
  #define BM_ARM_RIGHT OFF
  #include "<ANYBODY_PATH_BODY>/HumanModel.any"

  // Compose the model
  AnyFolder Model =
    AnyFolder &BodyModel = .HumanModel.BodyModel;
    AnyFolder Drivers = {...};
    AnyFolder Environment = {...};

  // Configuring the Study
  AnyBodyStudy Study =
    AnyFolder &Model= Main.Model;
    Gravity = {0,-9.81,0}; // Gravity Vector
    nStep = 10; // Number of steps
    tStart = 0; // Start time
    tEnd = 10.0; // End time

Let us go through the different components to understand how they work.

Path to AMMR#

#include "path/to/AMMR/libdef.any"

When having multiple versions of AMMR available on your computer, you have to specify which one will be used by AnyBody. Each AMMR includes a file called libdef.any located at the top-level folder. The AnyScript line, used for instructing AnyBody which AMMR to use, should be at the very beginning of your .any file.

Configuring the Human Model#

Main =
  // Configure and include the Human Model
  #define BM_ARM_LEFT OFF
  #define BM_ARM_RIGHT OFF

The Human Body Model is configured through a number of #define and #path statements. These statements are all prefixed with BM_ inside AnyScript, and they can also be referred to as “bm-statements”. They define which parts of the human body model are included or excluded.

Including the Human Model#

#include "<ANYBODY_PATH_BODY>/HumanModel.any"

After the configuration statements, the HumanModel is included. It is important that the configuration statements are placed before this line.

Composing the Model#

AnyFolder Model =
  AnyFolder &BodyModel = .HumanModel.BodyModel;
  AnyFolder Drivers = {...};
  AnyFolder Environment = {...};

Most examples have a section where the model is composed. This is where we combine the Body from the HumanModel, and add extra things like drivers, external loads, and constraints.

It could also be any models of the environment which the body interacts with.

The Study section#

AnyBodyStudy Study =
  AnyFolder &Model= Main.Model;
  Gravity = {0,-9.81,0}; // Gravity Vector
  nStep = 10; // Number of steps
  tStart = 0; // Start time
  tEnd = 10.0; // End time

The AnyBodyStudy is where you configure and define your simulation. It specifies start and end times of the simulation, and the number of steps. It also configures which solvers are used.

Only the model elements which are referenced from within the Study will be included in the simulation. In this case, everything in the Main.Model folder is part of the simulation.