Updating from AMMR 2#

This document outlines important changes which may break older model from AMMR version 2, when loading with newer versions of AnyBody. This document outlines the changes from AMMR 2 to 3, but will also apply when updating to newer versions of AnyBody.


See the last part of this document for a list of concrete errors and deprecation warnings and how to fix them.

Model changes#

Trunk and pelvis neutral posture#

The trunk model in AMMR 3.0 changes which posture is considered neutral. This was done in preparation for a new [detailed thoracic model](#Ribcage and thoracic spine model) which will be available in AMMR 4.0. Pelvic tilt for the model has been updated as well as the the neutral orientation of the thoracic segment.


These postural changes will affect older applications. Especially, in models where trunk joint angles are driven directly and in models where a driver is applied directly on the pelvis segmental reference frame.

MoCap models#

Pelvic markers#

Changes to the pelvic tilt mean that pelvic markers located relative to the pelvis anatomical frame will appear to have moved slightly. This is most noticeable for markers on the posterior part of the pelvis, such as the PSIS markers. The Y component of the marker position may need to be adjusted to achieve the same marker position and joint angle output.

If markers are placed relative to bony landmarks (using the PlaceMarkerAt= argument) this problem will often not occur.

Foot markers#

Changes to the anatomical frame of the foot and talus segment may have resulted in slight movement of markers. Adjust the Y component as necessary to maintain the desired marker position and joint angle output.

Load time errors#

Scale_Leg_Pelvis  :  Unresolved object
ERROR(SCR.PRS9) :   some-file.any(##)  :   'Scale_Leg_Pelvis'  :  Unresolved object

The functions Scale_Leg_Pelvis and Scale_Trunk_Pelvis on the pelvis segment have been moved inside the AnatomicalFrame folder. Update your code to AnatomicalFrame.Scale_Leg_Pelvis.

MusPar  :  Unresolved object
ERROR(SCR.PRS9) :   some-file.any(##)  :   'MusPar'  :  Unresolved object

The MusPar folder have been renamed to MuscleModels.

PCSAfactor  :  Unresolved object
ERROR(SCR.PRS9) :   xxx.any(##)  :   'PCSAfactor'  :  Unresolved object

This could be cause by the fact that the MuscleParameters.Muscles.PCSAfactor is now located at MuscleModels.DefaultMusPar.PCSAfactor

StringMesh  :  Error in expression
ERROR(SCR.EXP0) :   Ligaments.any(18)  :     Defined at :   Class_CreateLigament.any(47)  :   StringMesh  :  Error in expression. Please refer to the following error messages for details ...
ERROR(SCR.EXP1) :   Ligaments.any(18)  :     Defined at :   Class_CreateLigament.any(47)  :   Operator '='  :  Illegal operation for given argument types  :  'AnyInt[Undefined]' '=' 'AnyFloatVar'

The StringMesh variable have changed type from AnyVar to AnyInt. So if StringMesh is assigned from an other variable, make sure that it has the type AnyInt.

Deprecation warnings#

Below is a set of possible errors you may encounter if old models are used with AMMR 3.0.

AnyViaPointMuscle  :  Deprecated class
WARNING(SYS3) :  ... :  AnyViaPointMuscle : Deprecated class  :  Class 'AnyViaPointMuscle' was renamed to 'AnyMuscleViaPoint'

Some class names for AnyMuscle have been deprecated. Just rename them.

  • AnyViaPointMuscle –> AnyMuscleViaPoint

  • AnyShortestPathMuscle –> AnyMuscleShortestPath

AnyShortestPathMuscle  :  Deprecated class
WARNING(SYS3) :   ...  :  AnyShortestPathMuscle  :  Deprecated class  :  Class 'AnyShortestPathMuscle' was renamed to 'AnyMuscleShortestPath'

Some class names for AnyMuscle have been deprecated. Just rename them.

  • AnyViaPointMuscle –> AnyMuscleViaPoint

  • AnyShortestPathMuscle –> AnyMuscleShortestPath

Deprecated use of AnySurf*Fit classes
ERROR(OBJ.MCH.SURF4) :   Custom_Seg_Shank.any(114)  :   Surf  :  Deprecated use of AnySurf*Fit classes identified. Compatibility mode entered. 
> 1) Use new concept by remove initializations of sRel and ARel (Recommended). 
> 2) Read the long error description to see how to maintain backwards compatibility of your model. 

The class AnySurfCylinderFit now inherits directly from AnyRefNode and creates a reference frame directly. So they should no longer be nested inside existing reference frames to calculate the position and orientation.

Imagine the following code:

AnyRefNode Outer = 
    sRel = SurfFit.sRel;
    ARel = SurfFit.ARel;

    AnySurfCylinderFit SurfFit = 
        Points = ...; 
        Length = ...;

The Outer class gets the position and orientation from the inner AnySurfCylinderFit class. This should be changed to:

AnySurfCylinderFit Outer = 
    Points = ...; 
    Length = ...;

In fact, the original would no longer give the correct result given the new properties of AnySurfCylinderFit as reference frame. So AnyBody detects the old usage pattern and reverts to a ‘Compatibility’ mode.