Airline passenger

Airline passenger#

The airline passenger example. This is a model of a coach class airline passenger seat characterized by the following:

  • No arm rests (you always lose the battle for the armrest to the person next to you)

  • Horizontal seat pan

  • Limited ability to incline the backrest due to the lack of clearance to the person behind

Main file location in AMMR:

Application ‣ Examples ‣ AirlinePassenger ‣ AirlinePassenger.main.any

The model assesses the comfort of the passenger in terms of the following:

  • Muscle effort computed as the percentage of maximum voluntary contraction to maintain the given posture.

  • The total shear force between the seat pan and the buttocks of the passenger. Shear forces are known to cause particular discomfort in static loading situations, typically as when the passenger tries to sleep.

The posture of the passenger is controlled by the backrest angle. The bacrest offers pressure support for the back of the human model but no tension support. This means that forward leaning postures are realized by inclining the seat forward and the body is not getting any support from the backrest in this situation.

The inverse dynamic analysis of the model inclines the backrest backwards from an initial 10 degree forward inclination to a 30 degree backward inclination, which is on the very upper limit of coach class passenger seats.