Scaling and Personalizing your model

Scaling and Personalizing your model#

Musculoskeletal models must be adaptable to sizes and anatomy of various individuals to be useful for product design and to be used for applications, where high geometric accuracy is required, e.g. surface articulations and patient-specific pre-operative planning. A general method for scaling musculoskeletal models has been implemented in the AMMR. It allows the usage of built-in, user-defined anthropometric scaling laws as well as individual segment morphing.

See also

The AMMR documentation for instructions on how to configure the model to use the built-in scaling laws and provide general anthropometric information.

This tutorial introduces an advanced procedure of model personalization by means of nonlinear morphing for both, bone surface and relevant soft tissue attachment sites, to take a subject-specific shape. In this example, bone geometries segmented from medical images will be used to demonstrate how geometrically accurate subject-specific models can be constructed.

Tutorial content