Lesson 2: Adjusting the Human Model#
The next step is to configure the anatomy of your human model. The body model is divided into individual body parts: legs, arms, and trunk.
Body model configuration refers to the selection of limb segments to include, muscle model types, scaling algorithms etc. These are done by setting switches known as Body model (BM) parameters. The configuration process is described in greater detail in this document
Body model configuration#
For this pedal model, you will configure the human model as follows:
No muscles in the trunk segment.
Both the left and the right arms will be excluded.
The left leg segments will be excluded.
There will be no muscles in the right leg.
This is implemented by declaring a number of BM_*
configuraiton statements.
These can be included anywhere before the inclusion of the HumanModel.any
file. But it is good practize to collect them in a single place so we will add them to the file Model/BodyModelConfiguration.any
Main ={
// Body Model configuration:
#include "Model/BodyModelConfiguration.any"
Dobble click the line #include "Model/BodyModelConfiguration.any"
to quickly open the file.
Then add the BM configurations marked in red.
#path __BM_PLUGIN_FILE__ "BodyModelConfiguration.any"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The BodyModel configuration can be modified using BodyModel GUI plugin
// or by manually editing this file.
// Please see this this file for more information on the options:
// #path HTML_DOC "<AMMR_PATH_DOC>/bm_config/index.html"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enable the TLEM2 lower extremity model
// Excluding the muscles in the trunk segments
// Excluding the left arm segments
// Excluding the right arm segments
// Excluding the left leg segments
// Excluding the muscles in the right leg segments
Loading the model (F7 key) should produce the following message:
Model Warning: Study 'Main.Study' contains too few kinematic constraints to be kinematically determinate.
Evaluating model...
Loaded successfully.
Elapsed Time : 0.511000
The model view should show you the following picture:

The message warns about the model containing too few kinematic constraints, which means that AnyBody lacks the full information needed to perform movement.
This is because we are yet to specify how the human and environment are connected in this model. This will be the topic of the next lesson.