All Tutorials
You can find the available tutorials in the sidebar. The tutorials are ordered in a suitable sequence for new users who are unfamiliar with AnyBody, but this sequence may not be optimal for you depending on your background and interests.
- A Study of Studies
Explains the sequence of a typical study/simulation from initial conditions, kinematics to the inverse dynamic analysis.
- Making things move
Overview of the different possibilities to apply a motion to a body model. From simple drivers to motion caputure data.
- Muscle modeling
Introduces the many facilities for modeling muscles, including different muscle types and models, as well as ligament modeling.
- The mechanical elements
Demonstration the mechanical objects available in AnyScript, such as segments, joints, drivers, forces, and the very versatile kinematic measures.
- Force dependent kinematics
Deep dive into force dependent kinematics which allows the user to alter motion in a joint depending on the acting forces from muscles, ligaments, surfaces, etc.
- Parameter studies and optimization
Introduces parameter and optimization studies, which are used to investigate the influence of model parameters and optimize them to obtain a desired model behavior.
- Finite element analysis interface
Shows how forces in a model can be exported to provide the boundary conditions of a finite element model.
- Making Models using SOLIDWORKS
Shows how a CAD model designed in SOLIDWORKS can be imported into AnyBody and interact with the human model.
- Scaling and Personalizing your Model
Shows advanced scaling in AnyBody using MRI scans and morphing.
- Posture and Movement Prediction
Shows how simple example of movement optimization.